Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ability to Manipulate Truth

It is extremely easy to manipulate truth because do we really know what truth is? This question cannot be answered because until today we do not know what truth is. I have realized that our senses are not good enough to prove that something is true. My argument today was to prove using my human senses that the wooden utensil was indeed a wooden utensil. From this I learnt that we all have different perceptions and analyticities of ideas and things. Hence from this we can conclude that there are many truths. One truth does not exist. 
Truth relates to the concept: relativism. According to Dictionary.com relativism is a philosophy that holds any criteria of judgment relative, varying with individuals and environments. Does science expose truth? Some theories could be made possible in some environments but could not be applicable in others. Science lets us get closer to truth but does not reveal the truth. Is there anything that can be proved to be true without other variables being involved?
Humans lie all the time, its part of our selfish, corrupted human nature according to Hobbes. When we are re-telling an event that occurred, we are manipulating the truth because we are describing what happened based on our interpretations and our perceptions. We are biased towards ourselves thus we are technically lying. This is a reason why people raise the question of whether the Holocaust really did occur. Reviews, records, photos, these could all be manipulated to make humans believe something else. Last class, we watched a video of penguins taking flight into the skies. It seems so unbelievable that we doubt what we are seeing in front of our eyes. We make reasons to not believe in things, firstly, it was recorded on video and someone could have manipulated it. Secondly, we could be hallucinating – raising the question again whether our senses can be trusted to tell us the truth.
In 1984, the Ministry of Truth controls information and changes history; they make their own history. Due to the fact that history is constantly changing, thought crime exists and the people do not have clear memories that can go back to when they were much younger. The party has the vast power of controlling the truth and uses this to manipulate the citizens of Oceania into following orders. Truth is a complicated thing and there is no specific definition and till today we are unable to distinguish what is the truth and what is not the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Monique!
    I think you have done an excellent interpretation in this entry. As a reader I enjoyed a lot the information you provided on truth and your experience from the class, since it gave you the main ideas in order to develop your conclusion, "one truth does not exist".
    I know that blogging on activities in class and essays arises many questions and doubts in your head, I think it is important to 'not leave' the same questions on your readers mind, since it might confuse them a little. Maybe you should provide us with your ideas if there are any areas of knowledge that do provide true facts.
    Your ideas on the third paragraph are very precise, I think you have been able to get to your point easily and with no problem. Your example about the Holocaust is very clear. But why do you think people are doubting the Holocaust and maybe even manipulate the truth of it?
    I would've liked more reference to 1984, since the novel gives a lot of ideas regarding truth.
    Overall, it was very good and easy to read, and I think you have tried to apply Orwell's rules on the English Language, which you described in your previous entry.
