Sunday, February 6, 2011

Formal paragraph of a passage from The Metamorphosis

This passage is acquired from “The Metamorphosis” and written in the protagonist, Gregor’s perspective. The overall message portrayed his new character which was assertive and determined; lacking of his usual cowardly self: 

“Her intentions were clear enough to Gregor, she wanted to get her mother to safety and then drive him down the wall. Well, just let her try it!” (87)

In Part I, Gregor appreciated the kindness that Grete showed him, however, here he dismisses it and regards it as something she is doing for her advantage rather than his. He contradicts himself when he says she spoke in a “trembling and unconvincing tone” and then jumps to the conclusion that she is acting in a cruel manner by moving all his belongings out of the room. His use of exclamation and short sentence structure towards the end of the passage and demonstrated in the above quote shows his determination and desperation in keeping his favorite painting. His use of long sentences earlier portrays his growing resentment towards his sister as he bores the reader on about all the furniture that his sister is moving.

Reviewed version
Gregor’s character significantly changes after his transformation to a cockroach in which a more confident and assertive character is displayed. This is portrayed through his attitude towards his sister and possessive behavior over the picture: 

“Her intentions were clear enough to Gregor, she wanted to get her mother to safety and then drive him down the wall. Well, just let her try it!” (87)

Gregor immediately arrives at the conclusion that his sister, Grete, is only shifting his furniture for her benefit. With this instant thought, Gregor is perceived to be selfish and stubborn, traits that were invisible when he was a human. This leads readers to believe that this transformation has affected him in a positive and negative manner. In the positive aspect, he has removed his tragic flaw: cowardice. On the other hand, overconfidence could become his new tragic flaw and could lead to his own destruction. His use of exclamation shows his determination and desperation to keep the picture as well as his new persona that ignores the “trembling and unconvincing” tone she speaks in. Moreover, his quick change in character shows readers how easy it was to forget his old relationship and accept this new one. His previous relationship with his sister was strong and full of love and kindness, here, his new character breaks the solid bond they once had. His new persona eliminates any kindness and love he once felt for his sister and also removes his cowardice that his family cunningly manipulated to their advantage. The transformation allowed him to develop a more independent character that enabled him to view the true colors of his sister.

1 comment:

  1. Monique,you don't have to enter before the quotation unless it's five lines or longer. That said, I don't know if this quotation achieves what you're hoping it will. I'm not convinced that Gregor is acting stubborn or selfishly. Additional embedded evidence would help, but really choosing one "manner" would be most effective-you're trying to prove your point. ~Ms. M
