Thursday, March 3, 2011

What is Life? (Wildcard)

If we tried to understand what life is, it would be like trying to lick your elbow, and let’s face it, no one can do that. Life can be interpreted in many different ways. In biology, life would be defined as a living thing that moves, reproduces, grows and develops, gets rid of waste, takes in energy, responds to the environment and evolves.  To me, life is like a Snakes and Ladders game which we have to play to be happy, to be sad but most importantly to live.

The most joyful thing about life is the feeling of happiness. To be happy is a most wonderful experience. Every muscle of your body is aching with movement and your heart cannot stop thundering against your body. The smile across your face is stretched so wide that you feel your jaw might break and you’re laughing so much you feel you might explode. I always want to be happy because of how it makes me feel. It makes me feel ecstatic, ridiculous and crazy! At times I synthesize happiness which evolves into natural happiness. I call this “living the moment”.

Recently, I have chosen to live the moment and let all the chips fall into place. Worrying, stressing, being sad, these are all the obstacles of life. It is a part of life, and we have to be careful when we step onto that ladder because any emotion can cause the rung to give way and let us tumble to the floor. I believe that that is the whole game of life: To play with our emotions, to live these emotions and to try and accept them.
When we feel sad, we want to be happy and thus when happiness comes again, we appreciate it much more. Appreciation is something that God wants us to learn in the game of life. We must learn to appreciate everything we have and get to our advantage. I learnt this lesson when I was 10 and I travelled to a part in India with a religious group who was devoted to a Saint called Satya Sai Baba. It was living and learning without my family that made me see how privileged I was, how lucky I was, and how sick this game of life can be to others. This journey I took changed me, it made me happy with who I was, it made me appreciate more, it made me feel more – it made me a better person and this journey was a definite 6 on one roll of a die.

Moving to India and looking at the weak condition of around 70% of the population made me feel everything triple because this was my country and I could do nothing about it. Charities, working with slum kids, all these events help but they are not good enough to CHANGE it altogether. This made me realize that really I cannot change anything, the only thing I can change is myself and the only thing I can carry up the ladder is myself. That is the sad part of life. For many, “living the moment” is not good enough to make one happy because many do not get that moment. This is why we should appreciate everything we get; every single little act of kindness is worth a million dollars to every slum kid in Delhi.

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